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Labor Causes a Brain Drain

Why is it I feel as if I have been abducted and probed lately? Does the feeling of being totally overwhelmed ever go away after birthing a child? My brain has so much stuff going on in it that it reminds me of the kid in Charlie and Chocolate Factory that just had to get himself shrunk and put into the TV.

Well my brain and every thing in it are those floating particles in the air prior to being all put into the TV as the boy, but the unfortunate thing is that my brain particles never formulate back into anything productive it seems.

Is this a common thing for new moms or does it come from being full-time mom with a full-time career?

Reader Comments (1)

The second one. It's called multi-tasking. I call it being fragmented, like a computer's hard drive when you're working on too many documents at one time.

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaula Patch

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