Where is the Sandman?
I think his bag ran out of dust in our household... can you order more online somewhere? I will buy him some and have it delivered here to the house. I will even put it under our pillows for him, all he has to do is sprinkle it on us... no biggie!
We are at the stage in our house where our lil guy sleeps through the night for a couple of weeks solid and then the next couple of weeks he wakes up and either wants food or is restless. Those darn teeth do it every time too...
I just wish there was some consistency to his night wakings... I mean is there not a way that he can put an appointment on my outlook calendar and have it sent to my blackberry so I would be prepared and sleep extra the days leading up to the sleepless nights? Does this ever improve and was I in total denial thinking he would be sleeping through the night every night by now?
Okay let me just clarify though... his bedtime is anytime between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. It really depends on the amount of naps he has had at daycare. So he sleeps at least 6 hours before waking up lately and sometimes he sleeps 8 or more hours. What is the deal Mr. Sandman... what is the deal?