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Pucker up: Tomato Sauce, Icing and Wet Sloppy Kisses

So yesterday our lil guy's social calendar was chock full. He had his first sign and sing music class with KinderMusik which he thoroughly enjoyed. There are three other kids in the class, a set of twins and another lil boy a bit older than him. We sang songs and worked on our signs so we can use them with our children.

So this is funny... Tamara the instructor set up different stations for the children and parents to utilize different signs and one of them happened to be a food station. You would use the sign for eat, more, please and thank you. Well the minute Ethan saw Tamara with the containers of food he started cheering, clapping and squealing. THE BOY LOVES FOOD!!!

We had to move the station to allow the other children to participate in it. Too funny... next class will be better and more educational I am sure. It was a lot of fun to see him interact with the other children.

So after class it was off to Wally-world to buy a gift for his girlfriend at daycare. She turned one on Sept. 10. At the age of 6 months, Mama T was picking him up from daycare and she was talking to the teacher when out of nowhere she looked over to catch our little guy in the act of kissing Dionne. He grabbed her face with both hands and pulled her to him and planted a big wet one on her. Uh oh!!!

So then weeks later Dionne traveled to see family and I heard all she wanted to do was kiss all of her cousins and her mom couldn't understand where she had learned that. I saw her one day after school and was telling her about our lil guy kissing her daughter and she said ohhh that is where she must have learned it. So then later in the week Mama T saw her and she said Dionne's daddy wants to meet your lil guy. Well let me just tell you... Dionne's dad is a big guy! Ha ha ha

Back to yesterday... we picked out her gift and wrapped it and headed to the party. There were some other kids from his daycare that he recognized and of course one of his teachers was there too. It was the cutest thing... the minute Dionne saw him she reached for him to hug him. Awww so cute baby love! Her mom and dad just laughed... it was great! We had such a great time and really enjoyed the music they were playing... lots of old school Run DMC, Houdini and such. Every time people would walk up to him and ask what his name was and we told them... they would say oh this is the boy who kissed Dionne... we have heard all about you! Ha ha ha... he is 10 months old and already has a reputation.

So while we were there he had his first spagetti with sauce, which he proceeded to get all over Mama T and his first cupcake with icing which he got all over me! We have pictures of both of course! And of course we have a picture of Dionne and her mother with Mama T and lil man. The ladies just loved him and he was lovin' the ladies. He is the next generation of Mclovin...

He has another party to go to today... no little girls will be there today though. That is okay... he needs to rest.