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Man slaps strangers crying child

I know this is a few days old, but, can you believe this? A man decided in Stone Mountain, Georgia decided it was okay to slap a woman's child because she was crying in a WalMart store. He apparently walked up to her and told her he could make her daughter be quit if she couldn't and then walked off. Moments later... he walked up to her 2 year old daughter and slapped her at least four or five times across the face. He then had the audacity to tell the mother... see I told you I could get her to shut up.

Is there ever a time this is appropriate in today's society? Is there ever just cause to discipline a strangers child in public? I know what my thoughts on this topic are, but what do you think about it?

If he had done that to my child... we both would be seeking bail money.

And besides this... what is going on in the state of Georgia? I think we are heading in rewind instead of fast forward... oh my. We need to be looking to another state and soon!