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Walk Like a Toddler

Okay so lil guy is down for his morning nap and I have a few precious moments to write a little something. So he is ten months old by two days and the boy is walking!!!! I am so exhausted already. He runs me ragged... and as I am writing this our nearly 14 year old dog made me get up and move on the couch so he could have the corner. Those eyes... those eyes, I don't stand a chance when Ethan gets older do I? Sometimes you just have to be willing to compromise. Tee Hee

So back to our walking 10 month old... yes you heard me correctly, he is ten months old! He sticks his arms out and goes for it... he looks like baby Frankenstein on the move. He is very very good at it and has no fear. The thing I love about him walking is the sense of accomplishment and excitement he gets on his face when he reaches his destination. There are times now where he walks from one room to the next and doesn't even blink an eye in doing so. The other day his daycare teacher told Mama T that he is their most active child and she doesn't know how we keep up with him! He is in to everything now.

Well we don't know how we keep up with him either... ha ha ha...that is the value of having them young I guess. So what experiences have you had with babies and walking?